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About Me

Hi. My name is Alexandru Duta and, probably by accident, you’ve found my website. My personal, hidden, not-for-everyone website. You’re confused, right? You’re going to close this tab in your browser, right? If, by chance, you haven’t done that, let me tackle some topics that might cause confusion.

Alexandru Duta

Me, circa 2016

First off, who am I, right? Right now teach a bit of Economics, Geopolitics and Public Policy at the Political Science School at West University Timisoara. I was born in Bucharest, Romania and currently live in Timisoara, Romania. I am 38 years old. I like video games, movies and TV shows… but who doesn’t? I write stuff and am an aspiring film director (with a focus on aspiring). Throughout my life, I’ve coded websites, filmed and edited hundreds of videos, composed and played a lot of music, took thousands of photos (some of which were published by reputable publications), designed posters and graphics (mostly for museums and various exhibitions and events), designed and published a fair number of art catalogs and am working right now on writing and publishing more than one book. That’s a lot to take in. Most of my stuff can (or will eventually) be found on this website. And if you’re that curious, you can check out my full resume here.

If you are at least intrigued by all of this, maybe you’d like to check out some of my projects. Use the menu on the left.